HTML Inline Elements

 HTML Inline Elements:

In HTML, inline elements are elements that are placed within a line of text or within another element and do not create a line break. They are typically used to format or style small portions of text or to add small elements, such as images or links, within a paragraph or sentence. Some common examples of inline elements include:

  • <a> - creates a hyperlink
  • <strong> or <b> - bolds text
  • <em> or <i> - italicizes text
  • <span> - used for grouping inline elements together
  • <img> - adds an image inline with text
  • <input> - creates an input field inline with text

Inline elements are different from block-level elements, which start on a new line and create a block of content. Examples of block-level elements include <p>, <div>, <h1>, and <ul>. When styling HTML pages, it's important to understand the differences between inline and block-level elements, as they behave differently in terms of layout and formatting.

List of Inline Elements in HTML5:

  • <a> - creates a hyperlink to another web page or a specific location within a web page
  • <strong> - bolds text
  • <em> - italicizes text
  • <span> - used to group inline elements together or to apply styles to specific portions of text
  • <img> - adds an image inline with text
  • <input> - creates an input field inline with text
  • <label> - associates a label with a form control, such as an input field or a button
  • <button> - creates a clickable button
  • <select> - creates a drop-down list of options for a form
  • <option> - represents an option in a drop-down list created using the <select> element
  • <textarea> - creates a multi-line input field for text
  • <code> - used to display code snippets
  • <cite> - used to indicate the title of a work or publication
  • <q> - used to enclose a short quotation
  • <abbr> - used to define an abbreviation or acronym
  • <sup> - creates superscript text
  • <sub> - creates subscript text

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